FirePro condensed aerosol generators are non pressurised stand-alone units containing the chemical solid compound (FPC), various metal components and high purity ceramic based cooling material.
FirePro chemical solid compound (FPC) is stable and non-pyrotechnic
FPC compound has a certified life cycle of 15 years.
Upon activation, the FPC solid compound is transformed into a rapidly expanding highly efficient and highly effective fire extinguishing condensed aerosol that is autonomously distributed evenly in the protected enclosure using the momentum developed during the transformation process.
The aerosol phase is consisting mainly of : Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3), Water in Vapor (H2O), Nitrogen (N2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
The solid particles of Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) have a diameter of less than five microns and remain in suspension in the protected room/enclosure for at least 30 mins.
Fully automatic activation system.
Electrical, thermal and manual activation modes.
Self activation of FPC compound at 300oC.
No distribution piping, manifold or nozzles
No floor space requirement or shoring up for weight
No special handling for compressed gas cylinders
No system pressurization or room integrity tests
Subject to negligible maintenance cost.
Easy installation and retrofitting.
Tremendous space and weight saving.
Operating temperatures ranging from –50 oC to +150oC and with humidity of up to 98%
Non pressurised containers can therefore be near or even in the fire without danger of exploding (in contrast to other agents in pressurized containers that are subject to all the limits of pressure and temperature).
Easily transported
Easily installed without long and expensive stoppage of the activity on the premises during installation.
Easily connected to existing conventional fire detection and activation systems.
Less maintenance during their life time than any other conventional system.
Can be used in retrofit applications where it is extremely or not possible to install other systems that involve piping, reservoirs etc
Offer local/source total flooding protection capability which combats and restricts fire at its source without the need to discharge the total flooding system. This limits the spread of fire.
FirePro with manual activation are light, easily handled and can be rolled/thrown in the fire from a safe distance (Ideal for Fire Brigades and for First Respondents).